Having problems with your debit or credit card? There are all sorts of reasons why you might be having issues, but we can help you sort it out.

If everything is working fine, but you want to know more about how to use your card, check out our guides on how to choose the right card for you and getting the most from your credit card.

Otherwise, here’s a list of the most common problems and how to sort them out:

If you have a question about your credit or debit card, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s what we can help you with:

1.Activating your credit or debit card

2.Changing the PIN on your debit card

3.Using your Visa Debit card abroad

4.Reporting a lost or stolen credit or debit card

If your card has been lost or stolen or you think someone else knows your PIN, you need to tell us as soon as possible. We’ll cancel your old one so it can’t be used, and if necessary send a replacement.

Your card has been declined because the merchant requires an authorisation code (AVS) before accepting a transaction. This is sometimes used by US-based merchants in order to verify that the cardholder is genuine. In this case, ask the merchant if they have another payment option available, or try another credit or debit card if possible.

Your card has been declined because it contains fields that are too long for the merchant’s system to handle. If you’re using a corporate card, contact Barclaycard Commercial Card Services for assistance.

Credit Card Help (Visa and Mastercard )

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10 Tips On How To Keep Your Credit Card Secure

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