How much you know about investing plays a big role in making the best financial selections. By employing the greatest investment tool for your perfect portfolio, a portfolio visualizer, you may considerably improve your decision-making by understanding investment analytics.
The Portfolio Visualizer has long assisted many people in making better investment decisions by comparing investment products and performing portfolio analysis.
However, how can investors assess their portfolios to ensure that they are on track to achieve their business objectives?
Your investment performance can be tracked using the best portfolio analyzer software. They may also be able to make suggestions for ways to improve your investment plan.
These portfolio visualizer solutions can help you track whether you have several investment accounts or a single portfolio.
Portfolio Visualizer Review?
Portfolio Visualizer is an online software platform for portfolio and investment analytics that allows you to compare and analyze portfolios and investment products to make informed decisions.
With Portfolio Visualizer (PV), you can compare, analyze and make informed judgments regarding investing and portfolios.
Quantitative tools include portfolio modelling and backtesting, Monte Carlo simulations, portfolio optimization, factor models, and tactical asset allocation models, to name a few.
As a result of the system’s simplicity and clarity, it’s quite straightforward to learn. You’ll learn about market analysis and financial tools, among other things.
The following are some of the services they provide:
- Based on our extensive historical data, model and analyze the performance of various asset allocations and portfolios.
- Using historical returns or forward-looking capital market expectations, simulate and optimize portfolios.
- Identify and test the risk factors that investment products are exposed to.
- Models for tactical asset allocation that attempt to provide improved risk-adjusted performance should be tested.
- Reports and data can be exported in PDF, Excel, and CSV formats.
- Custom data series can be imported and used as portfolio assets and benchmarks.
What Are the Benefits of Using Portfolio Visualizer?
You can only access investment analytics for your portfolio goods on a few platforms. While several of them provide excellent services, a few features distinguish Portfolio Visualizer from the competitors.
Aside from accurate financial estimates, their meticulous attention to detail guarantees that risk elements in your portfolio are correctly identified. They offer a customized report based on their findings that will aid in the growth of your investment.
Portfolio Visualizer will help you succeed with your portfolio, and an analysis of the features will persuade you.
What are the Portfolio Visualizer’s Main Functions?
Portfolio Visualizer is divided into six main sections, and they are:
Asset Analytics
If you go to the asset analytics section, you can quickly sort funds based on asset class, style, and risk-adjusted-performance. You can also run correlations between assets in this part.
Asset analytics has six arms, which are as follows:
- Fund Screener
- Asset Class Correlations
- Asset Correlations
- Fund Performance
- Asset Autocorrelation
- Asset Cointegration
- Portfolio Optimization
The Portfolio Optimizer guides you across the efficient frontier, allowing you to evaluate risk vs return trade-offs based on historical or projected returns.
More specifically, you can optimize portfolios using mean-variance, conditional value-at-risk (CVaR), risk-return ratios, or drawdowns.
Finally, the Black-Litterman model can be used to determine the best portfolio based on market conditions.
- Historical Efficient Frontier
- Forecasted Efficient Frontier
- Portfolio Optimization
- Black-Litterman Model
- Rolling Optimization
Factor Analysis
To examine returns against market, size, value, and momentum factors, you can do a regression analysis utilizing Fama-French and Carhart factor models for individual assets or portfolios.
Factor Analysis is divided into five sections, each of which includes the following:
- Match Factor Exposure
Using a combination of assets from the given list, you can match the factor exposures or performance of a certain asset or portfolio.
Based on the selected time and factor model, the tool discovers the asset combination that most nearly clones the factor exposures of the target asset or portfolio. For comparison, the closest match based on past performance is also shown.
- Factor Regression Analysis
An individual asset or a portfolio of assets may be subjected to factor regression analysis with this tool.
As a result of the multiple linear regression, we can determine how well risk factor exposures can explain the returns of an asset or a portfolio in question. The equity risk factor models that are supported include:
- CPM with a market element (MKT)
- Using the Fama-French three-factor model with factors such as market, size, and value (MKT, SMB, HML)
- It is based on Carhart’s four-factor model, including the factors market, size and value, as well as momentum (MKT, SMB, HML, MOM)
- With market, scale, value, profitability, and investment components in the Fama-French five-factor model (MKT, SMB, HML, RMW, CMA)
- With the market, size, investment and return on equity components (MKT/ME/I/A, ROE/EG), the q-factor model can be used.
There are also short- and long-term reversal factors (STREV, LTREV) based on Fama-French factor data, quality (QMJ) based on both Alpha-Architect and Alpha-Quality factor data, and bet against beta (BAB) based on the Alpha-Quality factor data.
The fixed income factor model can be used to explain returns for fixed-income and balanced funds based on term risk (interest rate risk) and credit risk exposures.
Furthermore, the yield curve and high yield credit risk can be accounted for in the fixed income variables.
- Factor Return Statistics
This section delves into factor correlations and risk premia over time.
- Mutual Fund and ETF Factor Regressions
- Mutual Fund and ETF Factor Performance Attribution
- Principal Component Analysis
To find the underlying statistical elements in asset returns, use principal component analysis.
Each major portfolio’s returns will not correlate since statistical factors are distinct sources of risk that drive the portfolio variance.
Based on daily or monthly results, you can do principal component analysis on either the correlation matrix or a covariance matrix.
- Risk Factor Allocation
This tool allows you to optimize your portfolio’s asset allocation depending on the risk factor exposures you want to target.
Before regressing against the specified risk factor model (e.g. market, size, value), the returns on the given portfolio are compared to a customized risk factor series or any combination of the components mentioned above.
The portfolio’s targeted risk factor exposures can then be changed based on the regression results. To fulfil the specified risk factor exposures, you may also list optional assets that the optimizer can add to the portfolio.
Timing Models
This model allows you to experiment with various market timings as well as tactical asset allocation approaches.
The following models are among those that are supported:
- Shiller PE Ratio Market Valuation
- Moving Averages – Single Asset
- Moving Averages – Portfolio Assets
- Momentum – Relative Strength
- Momentum – Dual Momentum
- Seasonal Model
- Momentum – Adaptive Allocation
- Target Volatility
Monte Carlo Simulation
You can perform Monte Carlo simulations for the given portfolio using the Portfolio Visualizer, using historical or anticipated returns, to examine long-term expected portfolio growth and survivability, as well as the capacity to achieve financial goals and liabilities.
The Monte Carlo Simulation has three arms, including:
- Financial Goals
- Monte Carlo Simulation
- Asset Liability Modeling
Backtest Portfolio
Backtest a portfolio asset allocation and compare historically and realized returns and risk characteristics to other lazy portfolios in this branch.
Backtest Portfolio is divided into three sections.
- Backtest Asset Allocation
This backtesting tool allows you to create one or more portfolios based on the mutual funds, ETFs, and equities you choose.
Portfolio visualizer returns, risk characteristics, style exposures, and drawdowns can all be analyzed and backtested. The findings include risk and return breakdown by portfolio asset and returns and fund fundamentals-based portfolio style analysis.
There’s also a comparison tool that lets you compare up to three different portfolios against a set benchmark, and you may define any periodic contributions or withdrawals, as well as your desired portfolio-rebalancing technique.
- Backtest Dynamic Allocation
To evaluate a historical series of dynamic portfolio allocations, you can use this backtesting tool to examine how model assets and their weights have evolved.
Among the findings are portfolio risk and return measurements, drawdowns, rolling returns, and returns-based style analysis.
In addition, you can specify a recurring contribution or withdrawal, as well as an optional static allocation portfolio visualizer or a benchmark for comparisons.
Depending on your preference, it is possible to import historical assets and allocation weights in an Excel or CSV file format. As well as assets and their weights, the file structure records the start date for each allocation in the file.
Optional calendar-specific rebalancing can be turned on or off; otherwise, the allocation will be random between the specified transaction dates. The supported data import formats can be found in the example files below.
- Backtest Portfolio Asset Allocation
When using this portfolio visualizer backtesting tool, you can create a single portfolio or many portfolios based on your choice’s mutual funds, ETFs, and equities.
Portfolio returns, risk characteristics, style exposures, and drawdowns can be analyzed and backtested. Additionally, risk and return breakdown by portfolio asset is also included in the results.
In addition, you can specify any periodic contribution or withdrawal cashflows or your preferred portfolio rebalancing approach, and you can compare up to three distinct portfolios against the selected benchmark.
Two Best Portfolio Visualizer Software
To attain your financial goals, you could limit yourself to only using free investing applications. Portfolio visualizer software, on the other hand, can make managing your investments a lot easier. The best portfolio visualizer platforms to help you with your investment strategy are listed below.
- Mint
With Mint’s basic analytical capabilities, keeping track of several investments is easy! When it comes to hands-on help, alternative platforms may be preferable.
The following are some examples of tracking tools:
- Allocation of a portfolio based on a stock symbol or asset type
- The best or worst performer’s performance
- Compare the performance of two different assets.
Other portfolio visualizer have more functionality than this platform. You won’t get a model portfolio or investment recommendations, for example. However, it is useful for keeping track of your portfolio’s performance.
In one chart, you can see the aggregate performance and asset allocation of numerous portfolios.
If you also use Mint as a budgeting program, it may be worth your time. The platform’s strongest feature is this.
- Most portfolios have links.
- Charts with lots of colours
- There are free budgeting tools available.
- There are no advanced analytic tools available.
- Doesn’t advocate for model portfolios.
- It is not possible to manually enter holdings.
- Personal Capital
Your taxable and retirement accounts are linked to Personal Capital’s free portfolio analysis tool.
The analysis tool can look into the following:
- Current portfolio risk level
- Fund advisory fees
- Your investment performance vs the S&P 500
- Retirement planning
Asset classes are broken down by asset class in this portfolio visualizer tool. United States equities and overseas bonds are two popular investing options.
An industry list is also available in the tool. Using this function, you may determine if you need to change your portfolio to lower the risk involved in your investment decisions.
Personal Capital can offer an asset allocation strategy based on those goals if you have specific financial goals. You can rebalance your portfolio using this tip and the additional options provided by the analyzer.
On top of all of that, it’s a great way to keep tabs on your net worth. As a result, it can monitor your linked bank accounts and manually specified asset values.
A managed portfolio is only available to investors with at least $100,000 in assets under management (AUM). You can get help from an advisor as well, which is another benefit. Benefits like this might assist in building a portfolio and helping you prepare for significant life events.
If you don’t want to use their Robo-advisor, you can use their free tools. On the other hand, financial advisors may contact you periodically to provide free financial advice and consultation.
- Free investment checkup
- Analyzes fund fees
- Can recommend a model asset allocation
- Net worth tracker
- A $100,000 minimum is required for managed investments.
- Financial advisors may contact you.
Unlike other sites, Portfolio Visualizer allows you to test a greater range of assets than any other site. In addition to emerging markets, they can also assist you with investing in gold and REITs. To make things even easier for overseas investors, you can design portfolios of European or global equities.
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